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<h1>Matrix Plus</h1>
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AudioControl created the MATRIX PLUS six channel line driver with one goal in mind, to make your car audio system sound better. Modern car stereos boast many features but in many cases rather low pre-amp outputs, especially at low levels. Turn your stereo to a normal volume level, send the signal through a 20-foot cable, and your amps may end up with very little audio signal resulting in weak sound.
Equipped with 24 dB of gain, which can increase pre-amp signal levels up to 9.5 volts RMS/13 volts peak, the MATRIX PLUS line driver will transform your audio system. When integrating multi-media and video games or for driving dozens of amplifiers the MATRIX PLUS line driver gives your system a boost. With multiple sources, like video, the MATRIX PLUS level matches the different volume levels so switching between them is seamless. For SPL vehicles, the internal linking system of the Matrix means that two channels of input can drive all six outputs and each output can drive up to seven amplifiers.
The MATRIX PLUS line driver features an optional dash control input which facilitates remote control of pre-amp signal levels. This makes the MATRIX PLUS line driver an ideal controller for overall system master volume or subwoofer levels.
Let the AudioControl’s MATRIX PLUS put your system into high gear.
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High signal voltage capability: 13 volts peak output
24dB of gain
Six channels of input and output
Balanced differential inputs
Low-impedance outputs
Optional Remote Level Control (ACR-1)
PFM Subsonic filter
Output level controls
Ultra-low distortion, ultra-quiet operation
Selectable ground isolation
Optimum voltage indicator LED’s
Conformally Coated PCB for Increased Resistance to the Elements